CECL Lessons Learned So Far
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 3, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Considered one of the most significant accounting changes in decades, the new current expected credit losses (CECL) methodology will change the way financial institutions measure and record the allowance for credit losses on financial instruments. Join Stephen LaBarbera as he highlights implementation best practices to ensure you can navigate the uncharted world of CECL. This session will allow you to:
- Focus on a WARM methodology, including NCUA’s Simplified CECL Tool
- Perform Qualitative and Environmental (Q&E) Adjustments
- Learn ways to ensure reasonable assumptions are used
- Understand what auditors and examiners focus on when reviewing CECL
- Gain an understanding of procedures performed during CECL validations
Session Type
Breakout Session