Fortifying Financial Frontlines: Cybersecurity Essentials for Credit Unions

Retired FBI Special Agent and cybersecurity expert Scott Augenbaum addresses the pressing need for enhanced digital defense mechanisms in credit unions, particularly in the face of rising, sophisticated cyberattacks targeting financial institutions. Augenbaum will draw upon his rich experience in cybercrime investigations to spotlight the predominant cyber threats impacting the financial sector, such as phishing, ransomware, and data breaches. He'll share firsthand accounts of credit unions facing these digital dangers, offering valuable lessons from these experiences.

  • Building a Cyber-secure Culture: Strategies to instill a culture of cybersecurity awareness among staff and members.
  • Effective Cybersecurity Practices: Practical advice on implementing strong cybersecurity policies, including multi-factor authentication, regular security audits, and robust data encryption.
  • Crisis Management and Response: Preparing for and effectively responding to cybersecurity incidents, focusing on breach management and damage control.