The Lending Model that Maximizes ROA
Date & Time
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Don Arkell

Lending Track

The Lending Model that Maximizes ROA

The vast majority of credit unions were not “Born Digital”.  With one foot in the past and one in the future, many credit unions struggle with attracting and growing direct loans.  Learn how the most successful credit unions are maximizing remote delivery to increase sales.  “Convenience” has been redefined. This thought-provoking session will challenge management about how they currently deliver lending today and how they need to deliver in the future.  

  • How to organize your loan department for maximum success 
  • Lower your Expense Ratio while increasing your Loan Volume 
  • How to motivate employees to achieve better results 
  • Which loan delivery channel you should be using exclusively 
  • Credit union success stories using these strategies 
  • Learn how to maximize efficiency and consistency 
Session Type
Breakout Session