Make Change Work: How Leaders Inspire Action, Unlock Potential, and Deliver Positive Results

About 70% of change efforts fail to fully achieve their desired results. That statistic was first shared over 30 years ago, and it’s still true today, despite all the modern books, articles, workshops, and presentations. Award-winning author Randy Pennington has provided hands-on guidance and leadership for over 100 major change initiatives in the past 30 years. Most were successful. A few were not. He knows what works and will spill the beans on all of it in this session geared exclusively for C-level leaders.

You will walk away from this high-impact session knowing:
•    The four responses your team can make to change
•    The five reasons change fails
•    The five things you must accomplish to ensure a successful change
•    How to achieve buy-in, bring people with you, and overcome resistance