Conference Fees

Affiliated Member
(Class A)


An affiliated or Class A member is a credit union whose primary office
is located within Cornerstone’s three-state region.

Partner League Member


Partner League Members are credit unions that are members of the League or Association within their state.

Associate Member
(Class B)


An associate or Class B member is a credit union with its principal office outside Cornerstone's region that has a branch located in the League's area.



Non-members are credit unions who are not part of a League or Association.



 Our reduced guest fee is limited to one guest per paid registrant.
The guest fee is limited to spouses, significant others, and children over 18 years of age.
This reduced fee is not for co-workers or credit union staff.

One Day Rate


This special rate allows you to attend one day of the event - Thursday, September 1.
Use discount code ONEDAY to register under this category.

Conference Enhancements

Networking Lunch


Conference attendees can purchase a ticket to lunch as part of their registration.

SYNG Ticket


Conference attendees can purchase a ticket to SYNG as part of their registration.

Registrant Fee includes: General sessions featuring the general sessions, custom-designed leadership pathways that best suits your career, Expo & Networking Reception, provided breakfasts, and all refreshment breaks, and a chance to win a cash prize at the end of the closing general session (you must be present to win).

Guest fee includes: Expo & Welcome Reception, general sessions featuring sought-after speakers, provided breakfasts, and all refreshment breaks.

Group Discount: Groups of three or more Affiliate or Associate Members from the same credit union who register at the same time are eligible to receive a $50 discount off their individual registration fees.


Affiliated credit unions with assets of $10 million or less as of 12/13/2021 qualify for one free registration. Contact Jovani Triche for details about how to get a discount code.