1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Welcome & Industry Overview



Sarah Bowman Caroline Willard
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Opening Keynote

Lead Simply

Leadership is not complex. Leadership at its core, is simple, but not always easy. A simple leadership framework consists of three words: 


True leadership is not just words, it’s action. We must model the behavior we want to see, connect with the people you lead, and involve them as much as possible. 

During this presentation you will identify and discover what you want to see more and less of in your leadership skills to create that special team of people. 

Holly Hoffman
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Power Hours

Take advantage of your conference experience. Join one of our open-space power hours for a quick-paced, informative session to share best practices and bring real-life experiences and problem-solving skills to the table. Hear from fellow young professionals as they discuss challenges, pain points, and opportunities facing their credit unions and professional development. Choose the best session for you and prepare to power up. Bring a list of questions, ideas, and an open mind.

Compliance & Fraud – Keeping your members’ money safe is a top priority for all credit unions, but it is getting harder and harder to do so with all the bad actors. Come discuss the tools and rules used to keep the industry sound, the crazy criminal activities and what your credit union is doing to fight back.

Marketing & Business Development – How do people know about your credit union? From advertising to word of mouth and everything in between, this session is the place to learn from other credit union marketing professionals, share your success stories or brainstorm ideas to your credit union’s name out there. Chat GPT will probably come up.

Operations & Back Office — The magic behind the curtain. This is where everything happens. No matter the size of the credit union, there are hardworking staff that tackle all the day-to-day tasks behind the scenes. Use this session to talk about challenges, how to create efficiencies, or what the next upgrade should be in everything from electronic services to call centers, accounting to underwriting and everything in between. 

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Networking Reception
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Networking Breakfast
9:00 AM - 10:00 PM
General Session

Outlook and Critical Issues for the Economy and Credit Union Industry

Steven Houle
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Stretch Break
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Power Hours

Choose the best session for you and prepare to power up. Bring a list of questions, ideas, and an open mind.

Human Resources & Training—Credit unions can’t run without a well-developed and support staff. Come to listen or share your insights and have compelling and thought-provoking conversations on a range of human resource and employee development-related topics affecting company culture. Topics may include training, coaching, counseling, rewards, and recognition, and more.

Lending & Collections—Lending is the lifeblood of credit unions. Unfortunately, collections are the inevitable counterpart. Collaborate with other young professionals to discuss pits and peaks and hot topics within the lending and collections arena.

Member Experience— No matter where you work in the credit union you are part of the member experience. Your potential members’ experience starts the second they are exposed to your credit union. Every aspect, from branding to how they are treated when they walk in the door to the tools they have access to online, is all part of their experience. Learn from your peers about their member experience, both good and bad.

11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
General Session

Advocacy 101
YP Advisors Panel

You probably hear the term all the time, but what does it mean? Your YP Advisors will start with the basics and share what advocacy is, its important role in the credit union movement and your job, along with tips and best practices on how to advocate effectively. Discover how you can enhance your value as a leader with refined advocacy skills.

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Networking Lunch & Young Professional of the Year Award Presentation
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Power Hours

Choose the best session for you and prepare to power up. Bring a list of questions, ideas, and an open mind.

Accounting & Finance – Whether you keep the books, set the rates or just like numbers, use this session to discussion finance and accounting-related topics, including the current rate environment, liquidity, asset, and liability management and how it all impacts credit unions.

Technology & Analytics – Put your smart phone in your pocket and plug into this discussion about all things techy. What’s next? How can your credit union compete with fintechs? How are you using data to customize your member experience or attract new members? Technology touches everything. Come nerd out!

Engagement – From employees to members, how engaged is your credit union? This session provides an open forum for sharing ideas and discussing service culture, member and employee engagement, and relevant issues. Dive into diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, employee resource groups, community involvement, financial wellness for members and staff…the possibilities are endless in this conversation.

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Stretch Break
2:15 PM - 3:30 PM
General Session

Speed Reading People: Unlocking Minds for Greater Understanding and Connection

Would you dare to delve into the depths of people's minds? Would you seize the power to grasp their innermost thoughts and gain insight into their perspectives, all within a mere 60 seconds?

If you're ready, then Speed Reading People is your ultimate guide!

Interpretation holds the key, revealing four fundamental signals that every human emits. Learn to decode these signals effortlessly, unraveling the mysteries of their thoughts, communication styles, and core values. 

Discover the wiring of their minds, how they process information, and what truly matters to them. Forge powerful connections and build unbreakable rapport, empowering yourself to guide them towards mutually beneficial outcomes. 

Prepare for a workshop that brims with excitement, where time flies and engagement soars. By the end of this transformative session, you will not only possess the coveted knowledge of mastering these four techniques, but you will have already embarked on the journey of honing your skills. Unleash your potential to understand others deeply and influence them profoundly.

Frank Keck
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Reverse Crasher Panel

Our CEO Reverse Crashers take the stage to share their personal and professional journey that has led to their current position. Engage in this interactive session as they impart their wisdom and share best practices and advice for the next generation of leaders.

Sarah Bowman
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
YP Meet Up
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Networking Breakfast
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Closing Keynote

You’re Enough! A Self-C.A.R.E. Strategy to Transform Stress Into Success 

According to The World Health Organization anxiety and depression cost the global workforce $1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion U.S. dollars) per year in lost productivity! In addition, more than 50% of U.S. workers are not engaged at work as a result of stress. This presentation examines the causes of these mental health challenges and outlines a strategy that all attendees can use to decrease stress, reverse burnout, and increase productivity. 

Throughout this experience, participants will:  

  • Learn how to develop a system of self-care that supports their desired level of success using Darryll’s proven C.A.R.E. framework. 
  • Identify and reduce/eliminate causes of their stress, depression, anxiety, etc. 
  • Rewire limiting beliefs to optimize their performance and productivity 
  • Reframe mental health stigmas to take pride in their wellness (vs. feel shame) 
  • Learn how to be consistent and patient with themselves in their growth process 
Darryll Stinson
11:00 AM
Prizes & free 2025 YPC registration drawing

(Must be present to win)

